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Tony Young
Tony began playing guitar at age 6, and piano at 8, started writing his own music at 12 and began classes in meditation at 17. He learnt to massage to help his father with his Rheumatoid Arthritis.
He got a scholarship to Oxford studying Biology, where he was also lucky enough to work as PA to Stephen Sondheim for a year, on a Musical Theatre Course sponsored by Cameron Mackintosh.
He subsequently spent 16 years on a spiritual journey, living and travelling through many spiritual traditions, learning meditation, yoga and various forms of massage and therapy.
He then went on to study an Msc in Education to learn how to communicate these skills with the wider community and now shares his wonderful array of tools with all he meets, who are willing to learn and participate in the journey.
When you think you have made it, you have forgotten the way.
When your mind is open to learning, exploring, and being, then, the journey begins...
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